White Composite Fillings
A composite filling is the restoration procedure of choice for treating a tooth with tooth decay. A composite is a tooth-colored filling in Naperville, IL that is made of ceramic and plastic compounds. These fillings mimic the appearance of natural teeth and are preferred by many patients and dental professionals. Aesthetica Dental offers tooth-colored fillings that look natural in your mouth. They can replace the metallic look of silver fillings in Naperville, IL. The unique mixture of materials used in composite fillings provides supreme bonding, requires less preparation, and preserves tooth structure.
Dental Bonding
We offer tooth-colored bonding at Aesthetica Dental that can be used to restore broken, chipped, or stained teeth in Naperville, IL. The resin material reshapes the tooth and closes spaces between teeth created by gaps or chips in the tooth enamel. Each bonded area is carefully matched so that it blends in with the surrounding enamel. Bonding may also be placed over areas of gum recession, to prevent severe sensitivity in those areas.
You might notice someone who once had crooked teeth, chipped teeth, discoloured teeth, or malformed teeth. Their smile is suddenly faultless and picture-perfect. How did that seeming overnight change occur? Dental bonding is the only cosmetic dentistry procedure that can do the task fast and easily. Bonding may be sufficient to improve your smile if you only have a few minor cosmetic issues with your teeth.
Dental bonding corrects and hides imperfections. This operation may be a possibility if your tooth is cracked, chipped, decaying, discolored, gapped, jagged, misaligned, or otherwise abnormal. Bonding may or may not be a viable treatment, depending on how serious your issue is.
Large tooth decay may necessitate a more severe restoration, such as a ceramic crown. Porcelain veneers could be a superior option for multiple stained and discolored teeth. Bonding, however, can be the solution if you have a minor, annoying dental issue that you wish would go away immediately.
Dental Bonding Technique:
In order to ensure that the repair always blends in, this procedure uses resin that is color-matched to your enamel and is tooth-colored. The resin is painted on, covering the troubled area, following the sanding and conditioning of the problematic tooth. The putty-like material is brushed over the tooth in coatings to strengthen the dental structure.
The real bonding process follows, during which a specialized light is utilized to solidify the resin and permanently affix it to its intended location. The rest is cosmetic: meticulously shaping the tooth so that it matches the rest of your natural teeth in size and shape, followed by polishing the restoration to make it smooth, shining, and aesthetically pleasing.
Dental Bonding's Benefits:
Dental bonding is popular with patients since it is a simple and rapid cure; the procedure itself only requires about 30 minutes per tooth. However, the low cost and lack of invasiveness of this surgery are two of its main advantages. There is normally no need for numbing medications or anesthesia to get a patient through this surgery, unless your dentist wants to drill out a cavity.
It's time to talk about dental bonding if you've been disturbed by a cosmetic problem with one or more of your teeth for a while but have put off getting it treated because you wanted to avoid obtaining a porcelain crown or veneers. Dental bonding is inexpensive because it is non-invasive, quick, and neat.
Prevent Dental Bonding Issues:
It's important to keep in mind that minor cosmetic concerns, such as a cracked or chipped tooth, might eventually develop into more serious dental difficulties. Dental bonding not only makes them seem better on the outside, but also stops bigger problems from arising on the inside. Find out if dental bonding is a smile improvement option for you by speaking with your dentist at Aesthetica Dental. To make an appointment, get in touch with us.
Get a Whiter, Brighter Smile TOoday!
Find out if bonding is right for you. Contact Aesthetica Dental Clinic for a consultation with Dr. Lina Hamdan. Give us a call at 630.357.2525, or schedule an appointment online today.