Your Center for Emergency Dentistry in Naperville, IL
Dental emergencies naturally happen without any warning. We offer emergency appointments to current or new patients. The Aesthetica Dental team has extensive experience handling a variety of oral injuries and tooth pain. Putting off emergency care could result in additional damage to your mouth. Call us immediately and we will get you in our office quickly.
Are you experiencing tooth pain? When a toothache strikes it can be debilitating and we can provide relief. We encourage you to call us immediately for an emergency dental appointment.
Traumatic Injuries
A dislodged tooth has been partially pushed into or out of its socket or sideways during an injury. If this happens, your dentist is trained to treat the tooth. The tooth is often repositioned and stabilized, but root canal treatment is needed within a few days following the injury to save the tooth.
Cracked Teeth
Fractures or cracks can occur rapidly or slowly over some time. This can be painless for the patient or can cause severe discomfort. Determining the location and severity of the crack will determine the course of action for the tooth, although many cracks can be treated with conventional root canal therapy.